SolidCAM at Tornos Group HQ in Switzerland
The SolidCAM team paid a visit to Tornos Group HQ at Moutier, Switzerland, and meeting with Jens Thing, Tornos CEO, and Benoit Defrasne, Head of Market Support.
The SolidCAM team paid a visit to Tornos Group HQ at Moutier, Switzerland, and meeting with Jens Thing, Tornos CEO, and Benoit Defrasne, Head of Market Support.
Visit with Titan Gilroy, CEO of TITANS of CNC MACHINING and world-renowned CNC Machining Advocate, to an important SolidCAM customer, Wankmuller Prazisionsmechanik GmbH, in Straubenhardt, Germany.
Visit of Titan Gilroy, CEO of TITANS of CNC MACHINING and world-renowned CNC Machining Advocate, to the SolidCAM HQ Technology Center in Schramberg, Germany.